Data and services

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29 Products found
National full-text data 2024 - Spain ES - backfile
National full-text data 2024 - United Kingdom GB
National full-text data 2024 - United Kingdom GB - backfile
Global Patent Index Online 2024 - bi-annual subscription
PATSTAT Online 2024 - bi-annual subscription
PATSTAT Online 2024 - quarterly subscription
Global Patent Index Online 2024 - quarterly subscription
PATSTAT Global 2024
PATSTAT Global 2024

1.460,00 €

PATSTAT EP Register 2024
PATSTAT EP Register 2024

1.460,00 €

14.7 DOCDB 2024
14.7 DOCDB 2024

2.700,00 €

14.7 DOCDB 2024 - backfile
14.7 DOCDB 2024 - backfile

9.100,00 €

14.11 INPADOC 2024
14.11 INPADOC 2024

2.700,00 €

14.11 INPADOC 2024 - backfile
14.11 INPADOC 2024 - backfile

9.100,00 €

EP full-text data 2024
EP full-text data 2024

0,00 €

EP full-text data 2024 - backfile
14.15 Sequence listings 2024
14.15 Sequence listings 2024

2.700,00 €

14.6 Decisions of the EPO boards of appeal  2024
14.1.1 European Patent Register data 2024
14.1 EBD - EP bibliographic data 2024
Open Patent Services (OPS) 2024 - (paying users)
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