2.700,00 €

EPO worldwide legal event data (INPADOC)Legal event data relates to information on the events during the lifetime of a patent application. INPADOC contains legal event data from over 50 international patent authorities worldwide, available as backfile and frontfile data.

First-time customers are required to buy a complete set of data (frontfile subscription plus the complete backfile).

Validity period

INPADOC data is the backbone of many EPO legal status products and services. It includes legal events from the patent gazettes and registers of various national patent authorities, including the EPO and WIPO.

With INPADOC you can:

  • download weekly frontfiles and an annual backfile
  • retrieve data in XML
  • build your own database or search tool and link legal events to your existing bibliographic records


Further information concerning this product is available on our website.

In order to ensure that this product will cover your needs and requirements we recommend that you contact our colleagues at patentdata@epo.org.

Please note that once this product has been delivered, no refund is possible.